Stephanie Perrin joined Catalyst in November 2022, and in just a few short years, she has made her mark at the company, rising to her new role as Vice President (VP) of Delivery.

Stephanie Perrin headshot.

Her initial venture in the technology field started with her first job out of college, working for CBS College Sports. In the role, she was doing press releases and working with HTML and CSS for website updates. After working in the industry, she got her master’s degree in digital communications while also working at the university’s communications department. After graduation, she began to work for a string of consulting companies, gaining her footing in project management (PM).

She joined Catalyst in 2022 as a senior PM and quickly moved up into the project management office director position. Over her time at Catalyst, the project management team has expanded, with the addition of business analysts (BAs) and change management training leads. Perrin has had to navigate this growth while making sure the team is supported.

In addition to managing the team, Perrin oversees how Catalyst runs projects, from methodology and structure to technical guidelines and managing customer relationships. Internally, she also thinks about how Catalyst can make things more efficient, both for the client and for the company.

Her most memorable project at Catalyst has come from establishing more structure and process at the firm. “I have helped build out a framework for how we run projects in our methodology, which did not exist before. Now, we have more structure, baseline requirements, and templates.” This structure has not only helped Catalyst’s clients, but also “helped with the experience of our internal teams because people know what to expect.”

She attributes her success and preparation in her current role to her background. “Technical frameworks helped me be a better PM when I moved into a project management role, but also knowing how to build trust with clients. I think my background was both of those things, which helped me understand the importance of client relationships and stakeholder management.”

For those aspiring to a similar career path, Perrin stresses the importance of being a problem solver, building a relationship with a client, and understanding a business beyond the knowledge of technology.

In her new role, Perrin is looking forward to continuing to grow and empower her team. “I’ve always really believed in the philosophy of servant leadership. Trusting and empowering your teams to do their job is a really big part of having success in consulting and any kind of leadership or management role.”

With Perrin as VP of Delivery, she remains committed to empowering the people around her and driving impact for Catalyst. With a strong vision for the future, Perrin is ready to guide Catalyst to its next stage.